Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Nov 5, 2022

Wondering what are the benefits of Hibiscus Tea to your body? Would you like to drink a better cup of tea? You know hibiscus tea is good for your health, but you’d like to know more about the health benefits.

When you drink hibiscus tea, you can expect some wonderful benefits. The polyphenols found in hibiscus are great for you because they improve your skin, boost your immune system, and do a lot more good things to your body.

What Is Hibiscus?

Hibiscus is a tropical plant, with flowers that can grow as tall as 12 feet. These big flowers bloom from late summer into early fall. They have different colors, like red, pink, yellow, orange, and purple. Its leaves can be used for food, and the petals are usually dried and used to make tea. It’s said to have medicinal properties that include helping to prevent fevers, relieve pain, and lower blood pressure.

Nutrition Information

For every 100g of Hibiscus tea or beverage

Water [g]99.58
Ash [g]0.42
Calcium, Ca [mg]8
Iron, Fe [mg]0.08
Magnesium, Mg [mg]3
Phosphorous, P [mg]1
Potassium, K [mg]20
Sodium, Na [mg]4
Zinc, Zn [mg]0.04
Manganese, Mn [mg]0.48
Niacin [mg]0.04
Folate, total [µg]1
Folate, food [µg]1
Folate, DFE [µg]1
Choline, total [mg]0.4
Tea& Benefits of Hibiscus Tea Tea Mug Drink

Is Hibiscus Tea Good For You?

There’s something about hibiscus tea that makes it so special. In fact, hibiscus tea has been used since ancient times as a medicine. As well as being used medicinally, hibiscus tea is also used to help improve health, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Hibiscus tea is a well-known thirst quencher. It is an effective natural source of vitamin C. And it’s good for your skin. It helps to prevent acne. The leaves are rich in antioxidants, which help protect your skin against sun damage. The tea also contains calcium. Calcium is needed to build strong bones and teeth. Hibiscus tea is a great pick-me-up too. It gives you energy and helps you to concentrate. If you drink it regularly, it can even help you lose weight.

Is Hibiscus Safe?

Hibiscus tea is generally safe when consumed moderately. It is not very potent if you have the decaffeinated version.

Hibiscus tea is composed of organic acids. These acids are malic acid, tartaric acid, and citric acid. They are commonly found in fruits such as grapes and wine. They help in boosting immunity, promoting better skin, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, managing inflammation, and improving digestive issues.

What’s The Best Way To Take Hibiscus?

There are a variety of ways to take hibiscus tea. But the easiest is to drink it hot or iced, whichever you prefer! It also has a delicious, tart flavor and can be made and enjoyed from the comfort of your own kitchen. You can also add different herbs as you steep for that rich and deep flavor profile.

Health Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea

Packed With Antioxidants

Hibiscus tea is loaded with antioxidants that fight off free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Free radicals and oxidative damage attack your cells and exacerbate the aging process, while also raising your risk for illness and disease.

Fights Inflammation

Hibiscus contains anthocyanins that are associated with the prevention of cancer and diabetes and have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Anthocyanins reduce inflammation, which, when chronic, is linked to the progression of diseases such as cancer.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Hibiscus tea has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to help people with high blood pressure. One cup a day has been known to lower blood pressure by 25%. What makes this tea so good at lowering blood pressure is that it contains catechins, flavonoids that help prevent oxidation of cholesterol.

Lowers Cholesterol

Hibiscus tea has antioxidant properties, helping to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood. It helps lower cholesterol by reducing inflammation. Research shows that this plant is a powerful natural antioxidant. Hibiscus has also been shown to be helpful in treating high cholesterol.

Could Promote Weight Loss

Hibiscus tea is a healthy beverage for people who want to lose weight. According to studies, it can reduce weight by increasing metabolism and burning more calories. It is believed that the high level of antioxidants and bioflavonoids in this tea can help with digestion, and metabolism.

Fights Bacteria

Hibiscus tea may provide antibacterial properties. Again, the current research is limited to test-tube studies. One showed that hibiscus extract inhibits E. coli. It may also be just as effective as some medications at fighting many different bacteria strains.

Supports Liver Health

Interestingly, studies have shown that hibiscus may promote liver health and help keep it working efficiently. Hibiscus extract may benefit liver health by increasing drug-detoxifying enzymes and reducing liver damage and fatty liver.

Contains Compounds That May Help Prevent Cancer

Along with anthocyanins, hibiscus tea also contains another antioxidant called polyphenols, which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Much of the current research involves test-tube studies. One study showed that hibiscus extract limits cell growth and reduces the invasiveness of mouth cancer.

Flavorful And Easy To Make

Hibiscus tea can be made by steeping hibiscus flowers in boiling water for five minutes. It can be consumed hot or cold and has a tart taste that is often sweetened with honey or flavored with lime.

May Help With Blood Sugar

Drinking hibiscus tea may help those with diabetes control their blood pressure levels. Studies show that hibiscus may help reduce insulin resistance. Note that hibiscus tea may interact with the blood pressure medication hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic commonly prescribed for those with high blood pressure.

Potential Side Effects

When consumed moderately, hibiscus tea is generally safe. However, it can cause toxicity when taken in high doses. Hibiscus may interact with certain medications, especially those used to treat high blood pressure or diabetes. In addition to that, take note that hibiscus can have diuretic effects on the body, which in excess can lead to dehydration.

Potential Risks Of Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea risks are high for pregnant women. By inducing menstruation it increases your chance of having a miscarriage. Even if you’re only trying to conceive, it’s still not advised to drink hibiscus tea. It could make your chances of conception a lot harder.

Because hibiscus is a herb, it can interact with medications, bringing added risks. 

Don’t drink it if you’re already taking medication to regulate your blood sugar. And you should also avoid it if you’re having, or recovering from, surgery. Apparently, your blood sugar levels can be hard to control in those situations.

Same thing applies to your blood pressure. Do not drink hibiscus tea if you are already taking your blood pressure medication.

How To Make Hibiscus Tea At Home


  • 2 tsp dried hibiscus flowers
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Honey or any preferred sweetener, optional
  • Lime, mint, cloves, or any other herb you prefer, optional


  1. On the stove, keep a pot of water to boil.
  2. Take 2 tsp of dried hibiscus flowers, which equals to 10 ml of the same (to be more accurate), and add it to the boiling water. Feel free to add more or less however you prefer. 
  3. Once the water is boiled, pour the water slowly and steadily into a teapot.
  4. If you want to add caffeine to your tea, this is the perfect time to add those. Steep for more than 5 minutes if you want a stronger tea. 
  5. After steeping, use a metal strainer to pour tea into your cup. If your teapot has a built-in strainer, the process will be way easier.
  6. Add your preferred sweetener.
  7. Mix well and enjoy.

The Takeaway

Hibiscus Tea is one of the most delicious teas in the world. The sweet and tangy taste of this drink has been a favorite of many people for centuries. And while there are a variety of benefits to drinking it, we can’t deny its ability to be one of our best health drinks.

Health benefits of herbal teas are endless. It certainly has some promising potential health benefits, like lowering your blood pressure, stabilizing your blood sugar, and reducing your blood lipid levels.

It is a good choice of tea to help you stay healthy and well, or to warm you up in the winter. If you’re looking to treat yourself or someone you care about, give hibiscus tea a try!

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