Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea For The Skin

Oct 21, 2022

10 Hibiscus Skin Benefits That You Should Know

    1. Collagen production
    2. Reduce collagen Degradation
    3. Anti-aging 
    4. Antioxidants
    5. Better skin complexion
    6. Wound healing
    7. Moisturizer
    8. Hair growth
    9. Hair condition
    10. Scalp health



1. Collagen Production

Hibiscus is actually known to be a great source of antioxidants and nutrients that does wonders for your skin. One essential nutrient is ascorbic acid or better known as Vitamin C, which helps our body make collagen naturally.

But what does collagen do for our body, you may ask?

Collagen is a vital protein that helps keep the skin looking young, healthy, and firm. It is present in the skin and is essential for forming new tissues.

Since hibiscus has a lot of Vitamin C, drinking hibiscus tea as a refresher can help improve your skin health and appearance.

2. Reduce Collagen Degradation

Previously we talked about how hibiscus helps collagen synthesis, but we should also talk about how it could support reducing collagen breakdown. 

According to recent studies on hibiscus extract and compounds, hibiscus contains a compound called myricetin that disrupts and inhibits the activity of collagenase, which is responsible for collagen degradation.

Collagenase is an enzyme that increases its activity naturally as we get older, causing the skin to lose firmness and structure. Regularly consuming hibiscus tea can add to making your skin look supple and firm.

3. Anti-aging 

Hibiscus has a reputation for being a powerful anti-aging plant. We can see the skin and beauty benefits hibiscus and drinking hibiscus tea have on our skin due to collagen. Although, there are still other skin proteins in connection to the overall health of our skin.

  • Elastin – is a type of skin protein that helps the skin return to its original position. Like collagen, it is also targeted and broken down by an enzyme called elastase.
  • Elastase – as we age, elastase activity increases, and the power plant, hibiscus, inhibits this activity, thus combating the aging process and protecting your skin against wrinkles.

4. Antioxidants

We now know that hibiscus contains high antioxidants due to its high content of ascorbic acid, myricetin, and beta-carotene. Apart from those, hibiscus is also rich in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant.

Benefits Of The Antioxidants In Hibiscus

  • Skin repair: Antioxidants help fight skin damage from free radical pollutants such as ultraviolet radiation and pollution that causes premature skin aging.
  • Shrink pores: Anthocyanins also have an astringent property that helps fight and reduce the appearance of large pores giving a smoother and clearer complexion.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Anthocyanins also have anti-inflammatory properties that combat the inflammation caused by the free radical damage done to our body.

5. Better Skin Complexion

Hibiscus is a natural source of organic acids such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), including citric and malic acids that helps in exfoliating and breaking down dead skin as well as increase cell turnover or skin cell renewal that can control acne breakouts.

A study shows that skin care systems containing these AHA acids are known for improving skin texture and elasticity without adverse effects.

This is why hibiscus is a popular beauty product in toners, face masks, and other creams. When applied topically, it helps brighten age spots and also helps control breakouts for a fresher, smoother-looking, even skin complexion.

6. Wound Healing

Having healthy skin not only means clear and even skin tone but also means that wound healing capabilities are active. Skin integrity is also essential to having healthy skin, as this prevents complications and infections.

Hibiscus extracts from recent lab studies have pieces of evidence that support wound healing. According to the study, hibiscus extract enhances the skin’s healing potential and stimulates biomarkers involved in skin regeneration and hydration. Apart from that, it also increases the production of neo-epidermis, which is connected to skin wound closure.

7. Moisturizer

When consumed as a tea, Hibiscus tastes tart and fruity like cranberry juice and is naturally sweet, which people might prefer as a refresher over plain water. But it not only becomes a great refresher due to its taste but also because it has a high mucilage content, which is also fantastic for the skin.

Benefit Of Mucilage Content In Hibiscus

  • Skin moisturizer: Mucilage is a substance produced by plants that help in storing food and water. This substance is a fantastic component of a skin moisturizer, as it is worth noting that it is not only organic but also gentle on sensitive skin.
  • Youthful skin: This high mucilage content of Hibiscus enhances the skin’s ability to retain moisture, which is a critical factor in maintaining a youthful complexion. It can also improve blood flow, giving more nutrients to your skin that maintain moisture, hydration, and elasticity.

8. Improves Hair growth

Not only does hibiscus contain AHAs, but they also contain amino acids that are considered to be the prime building block of keratin.

Benefits of Keratin In Hibiscus

  • Keratin is a protein that significantly enhances, strengthens, and nourishes hair roots.
  • Hibiscus boosts and improves the build-up of keratin that helps in the formation of new hair follicles stimulating hair growth and reducing hair fall.

Ways To Take Hibiscus For Hair Growth

Drinking hibiscus tea may aid in making hair thick and shiny, but this can also be applied topically. Products like hibiscus-infused oils have a more potent effect on your hair growth.

9. Hibiscus Improves Hair Quality

Hibiscus tea doesn’t have to be consumed to receive its benefits. You can use it topically, like the oils mentioned earlier, as a hair cleanser or shampoo. 

Hibiscus can also remove hair frizz and boost the natural color of the hair to address and prevent premature graying, which will help improve the quality of the hair.

10. Scalp Health Benefits Of Hibiscus

Hibiscus, as previously discussed, contains mucilage and acids with astringent properties. These properties help reduce oil secretion from the scalp that might cause itchiness, flakiness, or dandruff.

Hibiscus tea is an excellent drink to have. It contains antioxidants and vitamins and can be used to soothe your skin. It also helps to lower your blood pressure and is suitable for your heart health. I hope you’ve found the hibiscus tea benefits for the skin in this article helpful. Please let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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