Everything You Need To Know About Mexican Mint Tea

Oct 29, 2022

What Is Mexican Mint?

Mexican mint has leaves that are plump and succulent, and it has a potent aroma which make a Mexican mint tea soothing. This plant is an excellent option for creating essential oils because of its fragrant properties. The tropical areas of Asia, Africa, and Australia are home to the perennial plant.

Mexican mint has a wide range of medicinal properties. It is attributable mainly to the presence of phytochemical substances. This herb is a well-known traditional treatment for various illnesses, including fever, cough, cold, asthma, migraines, and skin issues. The main component utilized for therapeutic purposes is the leaf. Water is the main component of Mexican mint leaves.

Is Mexican Mint And Mint The Same?

Mexican mint belongs to the mint family and contains leaves that resemble them. Because it is semi-succulent, the leaves and stems are fleshy. Although some plant types have leaves with white margins, the plant is almost totally green.

Uses Of Mexican Mint

Mexican mint lives up to its reputation as a beneficial herb. It is packed with various health benefits and uses.

But, what are these uses you must make the most out of?

The flavorful leaves of Mexican mint are used in various dishes in different cuisines. It is incorporated in beef, lamb, game stuffings, and meat and poultry dishes. The herb is used in place of oregano to cover the intense flavors and odors of fish, mutton, and goat.

Due to its strong aroma, you can use its flesh leaves to scent laundry and hair.

More than anything, Mexican mint may also be used as a decorative herb.

To top it all off, Mexican mint has many health benefits. Some include the ability to fight coughs and colds, alleviate arthritis pain, reduce stress, improve skin, detoxify the body, and improve digestion.

Nutritional Facts Of Mexican Mint Tea

Water93 g
Energy88 kJ
Protein1.8 g
Total lipid (fat)0.7 g
Ash [g]1.44 g
Carbohydrate3.06 g
Calcium93 mg
Iron3.3 mg
Magnesium52 mg
Phosphorus53 mg
Potassium470 mg
Sodium80 mg
Zinc0.2 mg
Copper0.13 mg
Manganese0.35 mg
Selenium0.9 µg
Vitamin C35 mg
Thiamin0.06 mg
Riboflavin0.15 mg
Niacin0.9 mg
Pantothenic Acid0.04 mg
Vitamin B-60.08 mg
Fatty acids, total saturated0.17 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.21 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.11 g

Health Benefits of Mexican Mint

Packed With Anti-Cancer Properties

According to a study conducted on the herb, the stem of the Mexican mint plant is rich in antioxidants and can scavenge free radicals. It has been demonstrated that this plant’s extract possesses antiplatelet aggregation and anti-cancer cell growth capabilities.


Relieves Fever

Due to its sudorific properties, which encourage sweating, it aids in fever management and speeds up healing. Sweating helps to eliminate toxins via the skin.


Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Mexican mint tea is a traditional treatment for diarrhea, indigestion, and dyspepsia. The leaf juice extract stimulates the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It also aids in killing germs and unwanted organisms that are harmful to the digestive system. This herb may keep the balance of intestinal bacteria and guard against illnesses. It effectively treats constipation as well.


Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Mexican mint is further used to treat congestive heart failure. Recent research has also shown the herb’s effectiveness in maintaining cardiovascular health. It can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as a result.


Oral Health Management

Mexican mint is an excellent treatment for dental health since it has antibacterial qualities. Because it contains carvacrol, it is a superb option for maintaining good oral health. A phenol called carvacrol serves as an inhibitor of bacterial growth.

This herb prevents bacterial development in the mouth cavity and reduces unpleasant odor. To prevent cavities in the mouth, you may add this herb to your mouthwash or make an all-natural, homemade version.


Cures Respiratory Illness

Sore throat, congestion, and runny nose seem to stick around when you have a cold. Mexican mint is one treatment. Mexican mint leaves contain bronchodilator qualities that aid in clearing mucous and phlegm.

The leaves can be chewed with honey for enhanced benefits or used to produce scented tea. Asthma is controlled and treated with an essential oil made from leaf extracts. Because this plant contains substances like carvacrol and thymol, it aids in the relief of respiratory conditions. These two substances are both organic expectorants.


Natural Skincare

Regarding skincare regimens, Mexican mint is a great plant to incorporate. For skin allergies and ulcerations, it works wonders. You can alleviate eczema and itching skin using the leaf juice. Moreover, the leaf paste promotes quick healing when heated and applied to cuts and wounds. The herb is also a fantastic natural cure for cuts and injuries due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics.  You can also use the herb to treat skin irritation, redness, and swelling.


Boosts Growth and Development

Mexican mint is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that promote the growth and development of a healthy body. Mexican mint can help prevent muscular degeneration and enhance the immune system because of its high ascorbic acid concentration. Its carotenoids and vitamin A content can also improve eyesight and reduce oxidative stress in the eyes. This plant is a natural immune booster and the best health supplement you can grow at home.

Side Effects Of Mexican Mint

Mexican mint has no known adverse effects or allergic reactions. Mexican mint is safe to eat and is used in many cuisines throughout the globe. Similar to how you would use regular mint leaves, you may do the same to Mexican mint leaves. As a result, using this plant as a fantastic health supplement for the body is safe.

Mexican Mint Tea: How To Prepare


  • Mexican Mint Leaves
  • 200 ml Water
  • Stevia, or any sweetener of choice, optional


  1. In a saucepan, pour 200 ml water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Once on a rapid boil, add the Mexican mint leaves and stir well.
  3. Allow it to boil on medium heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Once reduced, add your sweetener of choice. Stir well until the sweetener has dissolved.
  5. Turn off the heat and strain using a strainer.
  6. Enjoy hot or cold, depending on what you prefer.
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